Check out my Cyber Sale on TpT on Monday and Tuesday! Most items on sale at a 10% discount!
Have a fabulous weekend and click
on over:
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Friday, November 29, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Thanksgiving Fun from Autism Classroom Creations!
It's the weekend before Turkey Day!! Thanksgiving is a time of reflection of all that we are thankful for in our lives. Our students are busy making turkey's out of hand prints and writing words of thanks. I cherish all of those little gifts from my three children. However, as they get older we do not get them as often. My older two are middle and high schoolers. My youngest is in fourth grade and still has all the wisdom of what being thankful is all about. You know what I'm talking about. Giving thanks comes in many forms. We thank the teachers and parents who work endless hours making the classroom a great environment. In the special education classrooms, we thank the kids for teaching us, why each day is a gift. There is something awesome about teaching special education that not everyone has the joy to see. My students have a different outlook than most of us. They take each day as each day. They find joy in the things we miss. They are loving and trusting beyond what most of us will ever understand. I thank my students and the parents in my classroom for lessons they teach me daily. No two days are the same and the blessings I have endless. I love what I do and I am thankful God gave me the job that I have and the people around me.
I teach high school. I teach grades 10 and 12+ (they stay with us until age 22). I teach children with mild/moderate intellectual disabilities and autism. It is an everyday thought to keep the kids learning on grade level while keeping it age appropriate. We still have to teach the kids everyday life skills, we still have to give them access to the core curriculum, and we still have to maintain interest at a level that makes sense to them. It is a balance that takes ongoing years of practice. I still work on it constantly after 18 years.
We are off this week for Thanksgiving break. Many of you may still be in class and wondering what to do share the thanksgiving joy and get everyone in the spirit of the week. I have three very different levels of learners in my class and we had a great time with a new activity I created. I have students who are non-verbal/non readers, low and high level readers, and each one with their own unique learning style. I also have students who have visual impairments.
I wanted to make an activity we could work on as a class and then work on as individuals. I wanted to include graphic organizers, visual appealing , and appropriate materials for each level. The idea was to write what we are thankful for. Nothing new, I know. But I wanted to share how I differentiate. Yep, that buzz word in education that to special educators is what we are all about. If you have a few days left of teaching this week before Thanksgiving or you want to save the resource for next year, check it out on my Tpt site: Included are writing prompts for high level and low level readers, picture choices, a visual template for learners with visual impairments, and a graphic organizer. Great for use with a smart board!
Here is a sneak peak:
I teach high school. I teach grades 10 and 12+ (they stay with us until age 22). I teach children with mild/moderate intellectual disabilities and autism. It is an everyday thought to keep the kids learning on grade level while keeping it age appropriate. We still have to teach the kids everyday life skills, we still have to give them access to the core curriculum, and we still have to maintain interest at a level that makes sense to them. It is a balance that takes ongoing years of practice. I still work on it constantly after 18 years.
We are off this week for Thanksgiving break. Many of you may still be in class and wondering what to do share the thanksgiving joy and get everyone in the spirit of the week. I have three very different levels of learners in my class and we had a great time with a new activity I created. I have students who are non-verbal/non readers, low and high level readers, and each one with their own unique learning style. I also have students who have visual impairments.
I wanted to make an activity we could work on as a class and then work on as individuals. I wanted to include graphic organizers, visual appealing , and appropriate materials for each level. The idea was to write what we are thankful for. Nothing new, I know. But I wanted to share how I differentiate. Yep, that buzz word in education that to special educators is what we are all about. If you have a few days left of teaching this week before Thanksgiving or you want to save the resource for next year, check it out on my Tpt site: Included are writing prompts for high level and low level readers, picture choices, a visual template for learners with visual impairments, and a graphic organizer. Great for use with a smart board!
Here is a sneak peak:
Follow me and stay tuned for more holiday lessons! Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!
P.S. If you read this far, thanks! Click here to enter the Giveaway for a chance to win a copy of this lesson!
Enter now 11/24-11/26 for a chance to be 1 of 3 lucky winners!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Weigh In.....Sensory Feedback in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
The classroom has kept me very busy and I have missed posting the last few weeks. Busy is good and exhausting :)
So two cups of coffee later and I am starting to feel like I am waking up and ready for the day. Bad habit? Maybe. Being a mother of three, working full time, and going to grad school means long days and often long nights. Just being a mom will mean that too! But don't we all have our routines that help us keep our sanity and face the task of daily to do's? Some of us go to the gym early, or run (I'm not there yet, haha), others of us get up earlier than our children so we can have that hour of peace before the call of "Mom" goes over the house waves (yeah, that's more me). My point is that we all have our routines and we try and squeeze in a piece of the day that is quiet, calming, and we can think.
Children and adults with autism spectrum disorders are no different, in fact, they struggle constantly to maintain their world of restricted repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Some would say they are like obsessive compulsive behaviors and in ways, they are. We wake up and take on the world in the above "normal" sense. Many with autism wake up and they are facing things we do not see or struggle with. Our quiet time that some of us need in the morning may be the time that same television show, or that same song has to be on for them. Perhaps it is that same exact breakfast or that same exact routine, that if interrupted causes a complete "meltdown". For whatever reason, the restrictive repetitive routines and behaviors keep them in their calm. As parents of any child, it is easy to fall into the routine of what is easy and what works to keep the peace. We all do it. But what we inadvertently do is reinforce the behavior so it continues.
I've talked before about behaviors. They ALL have a purpose, they ALL mean something. Finding out what that something and purpose are is the first step to helping find the appropriate "treatment" of action that will help that child. I say "treatments" as there are so many out there, one has to be careful and research what may or may not be helpful, what may or may not be safe.
Always consult your pediatrician and experts in the field when considering options. You can also refer to the National Autism Center and look at the National Standards Report. The Strength of Evidence Classification System has broken down identified treatments into four categories used to identify how confident they are in the effectiveness of a treatment. The four categories are: established, emerging, unestablished, and ineffective/harmful. Again, this is just a reference and not a cure nor am I telling you to follow any of these treatments. You can look at this reference online at
So I feel like I have gone off on a little tangent, but it is a great resource when considering options and methods of treatments. One of the reasons I decided to write this morning is I have been looking at the established treatment of self-management. How do we help our children and students to self manage behavior? Especially, when the behavior is for the purpose of sensory feedback. We all know what we need to do to get ourselves ready to face a full day, but what about the child who wakes up rocking, spinning, or who cannot seem to stop moving around long enough to eat breakfast. What do you do? What do they do? What are they trying to get out of the behavior that makes them spin and seem to have the "wiggles" when they are at their desk or breakfast table? Many kids are trying to get some type of feedback to their nervous system, some may be on "overload". Teachers often refer to it as the "wiggles". A lot of kids have the "wiggles" and can never seem sit for extended periods of time or attention seems to fade quickly. So where do help these kids balance their delicate systems? When your typically developing child is running around the house and driving you nuts, most can say "Go outside and play and get that energy out." When you have a child with autism, that may not always be a choice. Watching a student with asd this week reminded me of this. One student in particular has a difficult time staying in his seat or even walking around. He likes to walk around, and around, and around, and stomp his foot, and stomp his foot, and stomp his foot, and cannot seem to sit still. Then it happened, we were on our weekly shopping trip and I gave him two bags to carry while we waited for the bus to pull up. OMG....he was standing perfectly still, waiting appropriately. The foot was not slamming into the concrete behind him, he was not reaching over and hugging everyone, he wasn't going in circles to "get the energy out." He was calm and watching for the bus! Holy cow! The sensory input was coming from two shopping bags, or the weight within from bread, a small coke bottle, and chips. One in each hand that was keeping him calm. The next two trips I tried out my theory and his behavior remained calm. It took some repetitive verbal prompts for him to hold the bags but he was reinforced by verbal praise and seeing that he was doing what the other kids were doing. Wow, now to transfer this to the classroom. Hmm.....
So I have some ideas and I am looking at a weighted lap blanket since weighted materials provide proprioception—deep pressure—which is calming to the nervous system. I am working with the OT and brainstorming as the antecedents show several possible reasons for the behavior. But the grocery store bags reminded me how important sensory feedback is for a lot of these kids. So, I thought I would throw it out there and would love to hear from parents and teachers on the use of weighted lap blankets. Do they work? What is your experience? Does on task behavior improve? Would love to hear from you.
Happy Saturday!!!!! Now where is that third cup of coffee?? :)
So two cups of coffee later and I am starting to feel like I am waking up and ready for the day. Bad habit? Maybe. Being a mother of three, working full time, and going to grad school means long days and often long nights. Just being a mom will mean that too! But don't we all have our routines that help us keep our sanity and face the task of daily to do's? Some of us go to the gym early, or run (I'm not there yet, haha), others of us get up earlier than our children so we can have that hour of peace before the call of "Mom" goes over the house waves (yeah, that's more me). My point is that we all have our routines and we try and squeeze in a piece of the day that is quiet, calming, and we can think.
Children and adults with autism spectrum disorders are no different, in fact, they struggle constantly to maintain their world of restricted repetitive and stereotyped behaviors. Some would say they are like obsessive compulsive behaviors and in ways, they are. We wake up and take on the world in the above "normal" sense. Many with autism wake up and they are facing things we do not see or struggle with. Our quiet time that some of us need in the morning may be the time that same television show, or that same song has to be on for them. Perhaps it is that same exact breakfast or that same exact routine, that if interrupted causes a complete "meltdown". For whatever reason, the restrictive repetitive routines and behaviors keep them in their calm. As parents of any child, it is easy to fall into the routine of what is easy and what works to keep the peace. We all do it. But what we inadvertently do is reinforce the behavior so it continues.
I've talked before about behaviors. They ALL have a purpose, they ALL mean something. Finding out what that something and purpose are is the first step to helping find the appropriate "treatment" of action that will help that child. I say "treatments" as there are so many out there, one has to be careful and research what may or may not be helpful, what may or may not be safe.
Always consult your pediatrician and experts in the field when considering options. You can also refer to the National Autism Center and look at the National Standards Report. The Strength of Evidence Classification System has broken down identified treatments into four categories used to identify how confident they are in the effectiveness of a treatment. The four categories are: established, emerging, unestablished, and ineffective/harmful. Again, this is just a reference and not a cure nor am I telling you to follow any of these treatments. You can look at this reference online at
So I feel like I have gone off on a little tangent, but it is a great resource when considering options and methods of treatments. One of the reasons I decided to write this morning is I have been looking at the established treatment of self-management. How do we help our children and students to self manage behavior? Especially, when the behavior is for the purpose of sensory feedback. We all know what we need to do to get ourselves ready to face a full day, but what about the child who wakes up rocking, spinning, or who cannot seem to stop moving around long enough to eat breakfast. What do you do? What do they do? What are they trying to get out of the behavior that makes them spin and seem to have the "wiggles" when they are at their desk or breakfast table? Many kids are trying to get some type of feedback to their nervous system, some may be on "overload". Teachers often refer to it as the "wiggles". A lot of kids have the "wiggles" and can never seem sit for extended periods of time or attention seems to fade quickly. So where do help these kids balance their delicate systems? When your typically developing child is running around the house and driving you nuts, most can say "Go outside and play and get that energy out." When you have a child with autism, that may not always be a choice. Watching a student with asd this week reminded me of this. One student in particular has a difficult time staying in his seat or even walking around. He likes to walk around, and around, and around, and stomp his foot, and stomp his foot, and stomp his foot, and cannot seem to sit still. Then it happened, we were on our weekly shopping trip and I gave him two bags to carry while we waited for the bus to pull up. OMG....he was standing perfectly still, waiting appropriately. The foot was not slamming into the concrete behind him, he was not reaching over and hugging everyone, he wasn't going in circles to "get the energy out." He was calm and watching for the bus! Holy cow! The sensory input was coming from two shopping bags, or the weight within from bread, a small coke bottle, and chips. One in each hand that was keeping him calm. The next two trips I tried out my theory and his behavior remained calm. It took some repetitive verbal prompts for him to hold the bags but he was reinforced by verbal praise and seeing that he was doing what the other kids were doing. Wow, now to transfer this to the classroom. Hmm.....
So I have some ideas and I am looking at a weighted lap blanket since weighted materials provide proprioception—deep pressure—which is calming to the nervous system. I am working with the OT and brainstorming as the antecedents show several possible reasons for the behavior. But the grocery store bags reminded me how important sensory feedback is for a lot of these kids. So, I thought I would throw it out there and would love to hear from parents and teachers on the use of weighted lap blankets. Do they work? What is your experience? Does on task behavior improve? Would love to hear from you.
Happy Saturday!!!!! Now where is that third cup of coffee?? :)
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Autism: No Two Days the Same
I think it is safe to say, that with Autism, there is never the same day twice. Repetitive motions and actions maybe, but reactions and interactions (unless trained) not so much. If you followed my blog "An Inclusive Community" a few weeks back, I was speaking about "training" the community to work with our students and kids with ASD and helping them learn to adjust their ways to the students instead of our students and kids always adapting to others.
So, we returned to our regular grocery store where we met our new cashier on our last visit. Remember the one who did everything possible to rush us through "his" line? I was determined to make this trip step two and try once again to go to his line and have the kids practice their purchases and at the same time, reiterate to him that we were here. I wanted him to learn "our" ways in "his" line and let's make this relationship work. Well, of course, he was not there this Friday and my plans to make this gentlemen an inclusive participant in society was not going to happen that day. However, I must say it was nice to have our regular happy cashier Elisabeth help my kids. It is amazing to watch her as she as learned in the last two years to prompt the kids who do not speak with eye contact to say hi to her by remembering their names and telling each one hello and wait for a response. She also has the kids count back the change she gives them and asks if it matches the screen and helps them work through it. This woman is an incredible cashier but an even more incredible teacher. The students respond to her and she responds to them. Social deficits are one of the three core deficit areas of Autism. How wonderful that Ms. Elisabeth knows nothing about Autism, but she knows that interacting with her customers is important, no matter what their ability. So, okay, Ms. Elisabeth is not the norm but I do believe we have come a long way. Human interaction itself is depleting in a world where technology takes us to a keyboard, we text our feelings, or spend our relationships in "U there?" and "BRB". Yet, when we take time to interact with those around us so much more happens.
I am not giving up on the cashier (I'll call him "Joe") that was not there today, who clearly needs to be trained on the social interactions of proper customer service. He will be back one Friday when we come to shop. But, for now I walk away with the satisfaction that my students have made a connection with a very important person in their community who they will see with their parents when they go out in the community that belongs to them.
One of my new parents makes a trip once a month to their old city about 15 miles away just to go to the old grocery store where they used to live. She told me it made her son feel very good about going out in the community and he loves to go there. Who doesn't want to go where we feel we belong. But then again, sometimes with autism we know that is not the case. Theory of mind does not lend itself to let some of those with ASD be able to relate to others and what others are feeling. However, that should not stop us from trying to make the next trip somewhere the students can belong.
So, I do not know what tomorrow will be like in my classroom, or what next Friday will be like at the grocery store. However, I do know that I will continue to do my best and help the students connect with the community. I also believe that I will go to Ms. Elisabeth and tell her thank you for making our students feel welcome. Thank you Ms. Elisabeth! You are awesome!
Comments Encouraged :)
Do you have a Ms. Elisabeth in your community that helps make your child or students with ASD feel connected?
~Have a wonderful week!
So, we returned to our regular grocery store where we met our new cashier on our last visit. Remember the one who did everything possible to rush us through "his" line? I was determined to make this trip step two and try once again to go to his line and have the kids practice their purchases and at the same time, reiterate to him that we were here. I wanted him to learn "our" ways in "his" line and let's make this relationship work. Well, of course, he was not there this Friday and my plans to make this gentlemen an inclusive participant in society was not going to happen that day. However, I must say it was nice to have our regular happy cashier Elisabeth help my kids. It is amazing to watch her as she as learned in the last two years to prompt the kids who do not speak with eye contact to say hi to her by remembering their names and telling each one hello and wait for a response. She also has the kids count back the change she gives them and asks if it matches the screen and helps them work through it. This woman is an incredible cashier but an even more incredible teacher. The students respond to her and she responds to them. Social deficits are one of the three core deficit areas of Autism. How wonderful that Ms. Elisabeth knows nothing about Autism, but she knows that interacting with her customers is important, no matter what their ability. So, okay, Ms. Elisabeth is not the norm but I do believe we have come a long way. Human interaction itself is depleting in a world where technology takes us to a keyboard, we text our feelings, or spend our relationships in "U there?" and "BRB". Yet, when we take time to interact with those around us so much more happens.
I am not giving up on the cashier (I'll call him "Joe") that was not there today, who clearly needs to be trained on the social interactions of proper customer service. He will be back one Friday when we come to shop. But, for now I walk away with the satisfaction that my students have made a connection with a very important person in their community who they will see with their parents when they go out in the community that belongs to them.
One of my new parents makes a trip once a month to their old city about 15 miles away just to go to the old grocery store where they used to live. She told me it made her son feel very good about going out in the community and he loves to go there. Who doesn't want to go where we feel we belong. But then again, sometimes with autism we know that is not the case. Theory of mind does not lend itself to let some of those with ASD be able to relate to others and what others are feeling. However, that should not stop us from trying to make the next trip somewhere the students can belong.
So, I do not know what tomorrow will be like in my classroom, or what next Friday will be like at the grocery store. However, I do know that I will continue to do my best and help the students connect with the community. I also believe that I will go to Ms. Elisabeth and tell her thank you for making our students feel welcome. Thank you Ms. Elisabeth! You are awesome!
Comments Encouraged :)
Do you have a Ms. Elisabeth in your community that helps make your child or students with ASD feel connected?
~Have a wonderful week!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Lesson Ideas for Life Skills
Happy Sunday everyone! As we get ready for the rush of the new week here are some ideas for lessons in your classrooms:
Cooking lessons:
Pick a kid family recipe for a healthy snack. Have the kids pick out the correct measuring utensils needed for amounts in the recipe. If you can pre plan, get the items or send a note home to the parents requesting a snack help. Everyone can bring in an item and you can make a snack one day this week.
If your kids are new to cooking activings, Autism Classroom Creations has two unique teaching tools to help younger and older students are various levels of learning.

Cooking with Class is a lesson filled with measurement jigs. It is a great jig for those working with students in special education. The jig can be used for cooking lessons, math lessons, and reading lessons. Once printed out, glue to a file folder, and laminate. Students can use a dry erase marker or a fun bingo marker that can wiped away and the sheet reused as they keep track of how many cups, teaspoons and tablespoons are needed in a recipe. Increased independence of measurement and cooking skills are obtained and data can be easily tracked. Have fun! Can be used with any recipes.
Check it out today!

If you are not ready to cook this week, you can check out the unit on Measurement Math in the Kitchen. This has been a popular tool.
Guided Math Lesson Measurements in the Kitchen Great for Special Education Students of all levels. Great measurement reinforcement. Fun and user friendly. *Learning Focused Lesson Plan included *Printable worksheets to reinforce matching the correct measuring tool with the recipe. *Recipe template for internet web search. Use different recipes the kids can choose and use the template for adding generalization to the lesson. *Measurement Math Bingo - Bingo cards and Call cards to reinforce the skill in small group and summarize the learning material.
See what other teachers are saying:
Cooking lessons:
Pick a kid family recipe for a healthy snack. Have the kids pick out the correct measuring utensils needed for amounts in the recipe. If you can pre plan, get the items or send a note home to the parents requesting a snack help. Everyone can bring in an item and you can make a snack one day this week.
If your kids are new to cooking activings, Autism Classroom Creations has two unique teaching tools to help younger and older students are various levels of learning.
Cooking with Class is a lesson filled with measurement jigs. It is a great jig for those working with students in special education. The jig can be used for cooking lessons, math lessons, and reading lessons. Once printed out, glue to a file folder, and laminate. Students can use a dry erase marker or a fun bingo marker that can wiped away and the sheet reused as they keep track of how many cups, teaspoons and tablespoons are needed in a recipe. Increased independence of measurement and cooking skills are obtained and data can be easily tracked. Have fun! Can be used with any recipes.
Check it out today!
If you are not ready to cook this week, you can check out the unit on Measurement Math in the Kitchen. This has been a popular tool.
Guided Math Lesson Measurements in the Kitchen Great for Special Education Students of all levels. Great measurement reinforcement. Fun and user friendly. *Learning Focused Lesson Plan included *Printable worksheets to reinforce matching the correct measuring tool with the recipe. *Recipe template for internet web search. Use different recipes the kids can choose and use the template for adding generalization to the lesson. *Measurement Math Bingo - Bingo cards and Call cards to reinforce the skill in small group and summarize the learning material.
See what other teachers are saying:
On September 15, 2013, Ann Schmidt (TpT Seller) said:
Great for life skills!
On August 25, 2013, mrsoltmann said:
I can't wait to use this in my classroom. Thanks!
Check it out today for yourself and have a great week! Happy cooking!!!!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Inclusive Community
Hi everyone! Where I teach in the south, it is now day two of Fall break! I know, many of you just got back into the classroom and are wondering what in the world I am talking about. Well, here we go to school six weeks in and 1 week off until the summer and then the kids get eight and teachers get about six. It is like having year round school with several breaks built in. I really like it as a teacher because the kids get a little break after having to go back on August the first. I also like it because it gives me time to look at my students goals and reflect on what I want them to learn and what their needs are at this time.
Ironically, as I sit and reflect on the activities and learning in my classroom, my mind keeps going out into the community where my students work, live, and play. Many people do not realize it, but the community is my biggest classroom! Generalization of skills becomes reality at its best. My high school students have the opportunity to participate in real on the job training in store locations that you and I visit all of the time. In fact, every Friday, my students run a grocery service for the teachers at our school. Teachers have the opportunity to order subs from the deli and send us a list of small items that they need picked up. My students collect the money and lists and together we head to the grocery store for some real life skills training. It is awesome! My students practice locating items, comparison shopping, making change, writing checks, ordering from the deli, and simple steps in the grocery store such as getting the shopping cart and moving out of the way of the next person coming into the store.
My group consists of myself, my paraprofessional, and a combined 6-8 students from two classes. The students range in abilities from mild to moderate intellectual disabilities to various places on the autism spectrum. The ages range from 15-21. We shop in a middle to upper class neighborhood where most of the students live. In the past, in other districts, I have taken up to 13 students. I love it! The more, the merrier! We break in to two groups, divide the shopping lists, and conquer the store. Yeah, yeah, I make it sound like it is no big deal...actually it's not. All of those behaviors, all of the goals, all of those practice money sheets we repeatedly do over and over in the classroom, come to life. The student who grabs things when walking gets to push the cart to keep his hands occupied. The student who is my strong reader but has a hard time following directions becomes the "leader" of the group and helps other students find the correct item. The student who likes to ask a million questions is the student who has the task of finding a store worker and asking for help finding an item. It works.
The biggest obstacle that remains is getting others to see how awesome we are. Indeed, we have come a long way in inclusion in the classrooms. The students of today are familiar with the students who come to their class in a wheelchair, or who may have a paraprofessional to help them with writing or reading, or who may have behaviors that they have learned to ignore. They have been together since kindergarten. Going out into the community, while better, still raises it's ugly head to ignorance every now and then. Most people mean well, will smile, and say hello to the students. Most of the cashiers knew us and were excited that we had returned from summer break. But then there was that one cashier, who we have never had. Our favorite lady cashiers were running long lines so we did what generalization says to do; we moved on to a similar situation, moved lines, and got a new cashier. I also had a new student who had never made a purchase. As the student made her way to the cashier, and placed her items on the counter, my grocery cart holder became restless. My other student put a few extra groceries that did not belong on the counter in front of the cashier. The line behind us seem to grow. I could tell by the cashiers face he was not happy we were in "his" line. I could feel the tension as he waited for one of my students to take the money out of her envelope to hand to him. I do not think I have ever seen anyone take the money so quick, not count it back, and rush to the next customer (still us). The amazing thing was the people behind us. The customers who would wait patiently, smile, and tell us to take our time. One of them even told the cashier "Let them take their time. They are fine. We can wait." The cashier finally stepped back and waited for each coin to go back into the envelope we had for each order. When we had completed our last purchase, he looked at me and I happily said, "We will see you next week, same time, same place." I read his name tag and told the students to tell him we'll see him next week. Will I go through his line again? Absolutely! Will he be a little more patient? Let's hope. Did my students notice his rushed manners or lack thereof? Probably not. Becoming an inclusive community means training the community about our students needs. When we are out there as teachers working with students to generalize to various situations, we also have a responsibility to teach the community and prompt them to get involved. People first, disability to abilities, and a place for all is my goal. What's yours?
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Website Review
As I mentioned in my earlier blog, I am currently enrolled in a graduate program and working on my master's in special education with an emphasis on autism spectrum disorders. I love learning and sharing and my blog is just the place to that.
I reviewed
for my autism website review assignment. The primary goal of this website is to educate
parents and professionals about autism and related disorders because of the
rise of developmental disorders and the need for early detection. The target audiences include parents, early childhood educators, and health care professionals. The importance of early detection is
imperative to this audience so that early intervention can begin as soon as
possible due to its incredibly positive effect on the quality of life for the
child and caregivers.
An important aspect
of any website is easy navigation. The website includes tabs that direct the
target audience to screening, diagnoses, treatments, and concerns about a
child. I believe these are all areas we want to run to for answers when
anything seems “not exactly right.”
Websites have so much information on anything and everything. It has a
nice way to narrow down what you are looking for within tabs and then further are other areas of concern a parent or
caregiver might need. I really liked the tab on “concerns about a child” which gives a milestone checklist to refer to as
well as a “red flag” checklist. All of
these can be printed prior to going to a pediatric visit for a concerned parent
and it can be brought to the physician’s attention. Establishing an open
communication between a parent/caregiver and the physician or teacher seems to
be easier if everyone is looking at the same thing. The website encourages parents to trust their
instincts and if they feel something is not right to talk to a professional about
it. It is not overwhelming since it is laid out in outline form. Anyone can
find the information needed easily and then go back to it as needed.
great part of the website is the ASD video glossary. You have to register to use it, but it gives
the view a look at some of the commonly used treatments and interventions in
action. The glossary of terms takes the
viewer to over 200 terms that help the caregiver, parent, teacher, health care
provider, etc. visually see the sometimes subtle differences in typical and
delayed development of young children. It is a nice way to privately look at concerns
and view the behaviors and concerns in
action. Sometimes new parents have no
other children to compare typical development to and this is a great way to do
I was a parent of two year old who was exhibiting little to no communication or
social interaction, the website does
provide information on what to when going to your child’s provider. However, it was not the easiest part of the
website. There is a broad list of websites
that can take you many places but some would seem a little more overwhelming as
far as a direct action after the doctor. As with any website, everyone needs to
air on the side of caution as it is hard to filter out what is true and what is
solid correct information. It seems it would always be best to seek the advice
of the child’s physician after looking at what milestones are delayed and
together decide the next step to take.
I found the website very informative. It is a great place to start when anyone
working with a child has any concerns about typical development versus delayed
development. It gives caregivers, parents, teachers, and health care providers
a better understanding of autism
spectrum disorders in infants and children.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Happy Sunday!
While you are sipping your coffee today, check out the last day of Build A Bundle on Sale ends today! You still have a few hours to get my lessons and activities for 50% off! Look at my widget and if you have had your eye on something, today is the day to purchase it and build your own bundle of my products and/or other great education lessons. Click the link above, click on special education and look for lessons from Autism Classroom Creations. You pick and choose and make it what you need.
Thanks so much for looking! We are almost up to 100 likes on our Facebook page. Stop by and like us today at
Here is a sample of what you will find:
While you are sipping your coffee today, check out the last day of Build A Bundle on Sale ends today! You still have a few hours to get my lessons and activities for 50% off! Look at my widget and if you have had your eye on something, today is the day to purchase it and build your own bundle of my products and/or other great education lessons. Click the link above, click on special education and look for lessons from Autism Classroom Creations. You pick and choose and make it what you need.
Thanks so much for looking! We are almost up to 100 likes on our Facebook page. Stop by and like us today at
Here is a sample of what you will find:
Have a fabulous week!!!!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Welcome Back!!!
Hi everyone!
The school year is in full swing where I teach and we have been back in the classroom for a full week! It was full of energy, kids anxious to learn, and lots of new faces as well as familiar ones. I was lucky enough to "loop up" with my students from the previous year. Looping gives the teacher an advantage that we know the kids, the goals, their needs, the needs of the parents, and the students strengths and weaknesses. Setting up the room was much easier this year as I thought about the learning style of each student.
My students on the autism spectrum like structure and after several tweaks last year, I was happy to see that we could start the year in a bit of "comfortable" change. Some minor changes were made with desk placements. However, they were made with the needs of the student in mind. For instance, I have one student who required a study area away from other students. Last year it was further from the front. But she excels at helping the other students and likes feeling like a teachers helper. I moved her desk closer to mine and gave her the title of peer helper. She loved it and I can see the advantage of having her near me as well as giving her more independence to help others.
I have a new listing on called Welcome Back! Sailing Back to School! All About Me! It is a great first week back to school activity. It is an opportunity to get to know your students and for them to tell you about their summer. There is also an emergency section for the parents and info for you. My students really enjoyed it. Have your camera ready for great picture opportunities.
Speaking of your camera....if you have the opportunity to attend the meet and greet or sneak a peak or whatever they call it in your area, take your camera. If you have a child on the spectrum that needs to know when change is coming, ask the new teacher or teachers if you can take their picture. It may help the student transition to the new year with the new face. Take a picture of the room without other students in it, the hall, the library, bus lanes, etc. Get permission if you need to and remember to respect the privacy of the other students but not taking pictures of them. But enjoy this time with your child and help them make a photo book with new images of their day. Dollar Tree sells great little photos books to put them it.
Lastly, I wanted to let you in on a back to school sale that will allow you to purchase my items at a largely discounted price and Build A Bundle. The sale will begin on Aug. 13. Build-a-Bundle allows customers to handpick items they want and need. This makes good sense (and saves cents) because buyers choose the resources that best address their classroom requirements. The new Build-a-Bundle feature will be available to members starting on August 13. Tuesday, August 13th at 12:00am CST.
The school year is in full swing where I teach and we have been back in the classroom for a full week! It was full of energy, kids anxious to learn, and lots of new faces as well as familiar ones. I was lucky enough to "loop up" with my students from the previous year. Looping gives the teacher an advantage that we know the kids, the goals, their needs, the needs of the parents, and the students strengths and weaknesses. Setting up the room was much easier this year as I thought about the learning style of each student.
My students on the autism spectrum like structure and after several tweaks last year, I was happy to see that we could start the year in a bit of "comfortable" change. Some minor changes were made with desk placements. However, they were made with the needs of the student in mind. For instance, I have one student who required a study area away from other students. Last year it was further from the front. But she excels at helping the other students and likes feeling like a teachers helper. I moved her desk closer to mine and gave her the title of peer helper. She loved it and I can see the advantage of having her near me as well as giving her more independence to help others.
I have a new listing on called Welcome Back! Sailing Back to School! All About Me! It is a great first week back to school activity. It is an opportunity to get to know your students and for them to tell you about their summer. There is also an emergency section for the parents and info for you. My students really enjoyed it. Have your camera ready for great picture opportunities.
Speaking of your camera....if you have the opportunity to attend the meet and greet or sneak a peak or whatever they call it in your area, take your camera. If you have a child on the spectrum that needs to know when change is coming, ask the new teacher or teachers if you can take their picture. It may help the student transition to the new year with the new face. Take a picture of the room without other students in it, the hall, the library, bus lanes, etc. Get permission if you need to and remember to respect the privacy of the other students but not taking pictures of them. But enjoy this time with your child and help them make a photo book with new images of their day. Dollar Tree sells great little photos books to put them it.
Lastly, I wanted to let you in on a back to school sale that will allow you to purchase my items at a largely discounted price and Build A Bundle. The sale will begin on Aug. 13. Build-a-Bundle allows customers to handpick items they want and need. This makes good sense (and saves cents) because buyers choose the resources that best address their classroom requirements. The new Build-a-Bundle feature will be available to members starting on August 13. Tuesday, August 13th at 12:00am CST.
Here is to a wonderful school year!!!!
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to check out the Build A Bundle on Aug. 13!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Everyone Needs A Vacation
I was fortunate enough to take a much needed break this summer and just returned from a great week at the beach. Many of us plan or try and take some sort of break from the everyday rush and noises of life. Our responsibilities such as our families, jobs, and life in general can leave us wanting to escape to a place where life slows down, the sounds of traffic go away, the alarm clock can be turned off, and we can focus on our health and relaxing. But what if you couldn't turn off the "noise"? What if you couldn't escape the rush of life you felt around you or go to a place where life slowed down? This is the something that many adults and children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) are unable to do on a daily basis or at any time at all. It is often referred to as sensory overload.
Sound, sight, and touch can often cause individuals with ASD to react in way that to others look like "bad behaviors." However, we have to remember that every behavior has a function. I was reminded of this while I was at the beach. I was very relaxed and enjoying the sound of the surf, and I noticed a mom talking to a young girl who was probably around 13 years old. She was sitting on the sand and letting the waves rush over her legs as she played repeatedly with the sand beneath her hands. The mom was telling the young girl to "stand up, it was time to go." The young girl continued to play in the sand and not respond to the mom. My daughter who has been part of the generation of Autism Awareness and always learning from the kids I teach, asked if I thought the young girl might have Autism. "She may." Just as we walked past, the quick thinking mom grabbed a bucket, put the wet sand in it and placed the girls hand in the bucket. the girl transferred the repetitive movement to the bucket and eventually went with her mom. How awesome that nature created a sensory playground for this young lady and that her mom had learned how to keep her daughter engaged in the activity. She wasn't ignoring mom, she had just found a way to relax and she did not want to leave her spot. How many of us can relate to that.
I recently watched a show with a young lady named Carly Fleischmann who was diagnosed with Autism when she was very young. She is non verbal but communicates by spelling and typing on a computer. She is an amazing young lady. She mentioned that many of us doodle on paper when we are bored. She may flap her hands or rock because she is bored. We may move to another room when noise is loud while she may cover her ears. In other words, look at the action, what came before it, what is the behavior, and what is the consequence following the behavior. If covering your ears removes a noise the behavior will be reinforced and most likely be repeated. How often do we as mom's find a spot to hide from the kids when we are on the know what I'm talking about :) If it works, and the kids can't find your "hiding" spot, aren't you more likely to return to that spot? Yes, you know what I am talking about. Lol!
But this is more serious. Remember the next time your student or your child is behaving in a manner that may not make sense to you, look at the behavior, try and find what the function of the behavior is, and how you or something else is reinforcing the behavior. EVERY behavior has a function. What you can do is help make the function of the behavior age appropriate and if the behavior is inappropriate or unwanted at the moment, find a way to replace it with an appropriate behavior that gives the child same function. It's not easy and takes practice, but I think the mom at the beach had it down.
If you are interested in reading about Carly, here is the link:
Here is a link to a free download I have on TpT that may work as well. I have had a lot of success with it and it is portable and non invasive. The Behavior Badge Card, is a visual support for students with behavioral needs, such as those with Autism. Take a look and if you like it, follow me for updates on more creations for the home and classroom.
Hope everyone had a Terrific Tuesday!!!!
Sound, sight, and touch can often cause individuals with ASD to react in way that to others look like "bad behaviors." However, we have to remember that every behavior has a function. I was reminded of this while I was at the beach. I was very relaxed and enjoying the sound of the surf, and I noticed a mom talking to a young girl who was probably around 13 years old. She was sitting on the sand and letting the waves rush over her legs as she played repeatedly with the sand beneath her hands. The mom was telling the young girl to "stand up, it was time to go." The young girl continued to play in the sand and not respond to the mom. My daughter who has been part of the generation of Autism Awareness and always learning from the kids I teach, asked if I thought the young girl might have Autism. "She may." Just as we walked past, the quick thinking mom grabbed a bucket, put the wet sand in it and placed the girls hand in the bucket. the girl transferred the repetitive movement to the bucket and eventually went with her mom. How awesome that nature created a sensory playground for this young lady and that her mom had learned how to keep her daughter engaged in the activity. She wasn't ignoring mom, she had just found a way to relax and she did not want to leave her spot. How many of us can relate to that.
I recently watched a show with a young lady named Carly Fleischmann who was diagnosed with Autism when she was very young. She is non verbal but communicates by spelling and typing on a computer. She is an amazing young lady. She mentioned that many of us doodle on paper when we are bored. She may flap her hands or rock because she is bored. We may move to another room when noise is loud while she may cover her ears. In other words, look at the action, what came before it, what is the behavior, and what is the consequence following the behavior. If covering your ears removes a noise the behavior will be reinforced and most likely be repeated. How often do we as mom's find a spot to hide from the kids when we are on the know what I'm talking about :) If it works, and the kids can't find your "hiding" spot, aren't you more likely to return to that spot? Yes, you know what I am talking about. Lol!
But this is more serious. Remember the next time your student or your child is behaving in a manner that may not make sense to you, look at the behavior, try and find what the function of the behavior is, and how you or something else is reinforcing the behavior. EVERY behavior has a function. What you can do is help make the function of the behavior age appropriate and if the behavior is inappropriate or unwanted at the moment, find a way to replace it with an appropriate behavior that gives the child same function. It's not easy and takes practice, but I think the mom at the beach had it down.
If you are interested in reading about Carly, here is the link:
Here is a link to a free download I have on TpT that may work as well. I have had a lot of success with it and it is portable and non invasive. The Behavior Badge Card, is a visual support for students with behavioral needs, such as those with Autism. Take a look and if you like it, follow me for updates on more creations for the home and classroom.
Hope everyone had a Terrific Tuesday!!!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Middle of the week thought: Generalization
Wonderful Wednesday everyone! Even though it is summer, my teacher brain is not totally on vacation. How can it be? Where I teach, we will start back to school in August and pre-planning will start in the end of July! Way earlier than when we were kids, but then again, it keeps their learning moving right along.
Summer is perhaps one of the best times of year for generalization of newly learned or already mastered skills. What do I mean by generalization? It is when you take the skills out of the classroom and make sure the student is able to do the same skill with the same level of independence in other environments with other "instructors". Parents, siblings, neighbors, grocery store clerks, grandparents, etc are all instructors. People your child comes across in the everyday environment serve as natural instructors. Learning a new skill for a child with ASD or any child is awesome. But if they can not do the same skill across settings, people, and different situations, it is not truly mastered. For example: Your student/child can "point to a certain vegetable on a book page but upon going to the grocery store or seeing it in the pantry, the actual item does not get the same reaction and can not be recognized.
Summer is the perfect opportunity to look at your child's IFSP, IEP, or goals you are working on at home, and head out to set that generalization mastery into action. Take it slow. Going out for many with ASD is a challenge itself. For one of my closest friends, it means finding the same shoes, the same hair clip, the same favored object (of the moment), or they are not even going out the door. But a trip to the grocery store for hands on generalization is often a fun way to keep your child engaged. My son had an extreme phonological awareness issue when he was 2 due to reoccurring ear infections. I used to take a picture book to the store and he and I would match up the items to the pictures. Some of those veggies in open markets and whole food stores could get him giggling and the reinforcement he got from them were priceless. He is much older now and still remembers those "silly" trips, but he learned a lot without realizing it at the time. If going to the store is too much for now, take a trip to the veggie drawer in the fridge. That is generalization too :)
The key again is: start small. Generalization can be done in many ways. The goal is that the new skill is mastered across people and settings.
What is your favorite way to help your child/student generalize a new skill?
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Wonderful Wednesday everyone! Even though it is summer, my teacher brain is not totally on vacation. How can it be? Where I teach, we will start back to school in August and pre-planning will start in the end of July! Way earlier than when we were kids, but then again, it keeps their learning moving right along.
Summer is perhaps one of the best times of year for generalization of newly learned or already mastered skills. What do I mean by generalization? It is when you take the skills out of the classroom and make sure the student is able to do the same skill with the same level of independence in other environments with other "instructors". Parents, siblings, neighbors, grocery store clerks, grandparents, etc are all instructors. People your child comes across in the everyday environment serve as natural instructors. Learning a new skill for a child with ASD or any child is awesome. But if they can not do the same skill across settings, people, and different situations, it is not truly mastered. For example: Your student/child can "point to a certain vegetable on a book page but upon going to the grocery store or seeing it in the pantry, the actual item does not get the same reaction and can not be recognized.
Summer is the perfect opportunity to look at your child's IFSP, IEP, or goals you are working on at home, and head out to set that generalization mastery into action. Take it slow. Going out for many with ASD is a challenge itself. For one of my closest friends, it means finding the same shoes, the same hair clip, the same favored object (of the moment), or they are not even going out the door. But a trip to the grocery store for hands on generalization is often a fun way to keep your child engaged. My son had an extreme phonological awareness issue when he was 2 due to reoccurring ear infections. I used to take a picture book to the store and he and I would match up the items to the pictures. Some of those veggies in open markets and whole food stores could get him giggling and the reinforcement he got from them were priceless. He is much older now and still remembers those "silly" trips, but he learned a lot without realizing it at the time. If going to the store is too much for now, take a trip to the veggie drawer in the fridge. That is generalization too :)
The key again is: start small. Generalization can be done in many ways. The goal is that the new skill is mastered across people and settings.
What is your favorite way to help your child/student generalize a new skill?
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Friday, June 7, 2013
Hi all!
I posed a question on What skills do you want your child to learn or remain at mastery this summer? I would love to hear. There is so much going on during the school year and now here we are in summer. Some of you may not be out just yet and you may be dreading the never ending task of keeping the kids occupied, involved in learning, and keeping the skills they struggled with for so long and finally learned. What now?
I need some summer inspiration. I love to create new materials and I have a few ideas. But I would love to hear from you.
This is how I think: Where do you go? What do you need for your child to be successful? What are your concerns in the community? How can we make those things into an easy, portable, idea, that is reinforcing. Can't wait to hear from everyone! Have a fabulous Friday!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Good morning! Teachers love freebies and I thought it would be a great way share a sample of my work and start this Marvelous Monday!
I have had people ask how to us this in a larger class. It can be laminated and put on a students desk as well. I only needed it for one student at the time when I created it so it worked well on my lanyard. However, I have used it with larger groups and it works just as well. Enjoy!
Good morning! Teachers love freebies and I thought it would be a great way share a sample of my work and start this Marvelous Monday!
I have had people ask how to us this in a larger class. It can be laminated and put on a students desk as well. I only needed it for one student at the time when I created it so it worked well on my lanyard. However, I have used it with larger groups and it works just as well. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
A Day in the life of a teacher, mother, grad student, author, and one more thing and one more thing....
Welcome to my blog!
Sometimes, I take on too many activities. Sometimes, I am the one whose hand constantly goes up to volunteer and take on the projects no one else does. But if you are teacher, mom, or parent of a child with autism, I think you would agree that we all do this at times because if we don't, who will?
Today, I am starting my newest venture.....blogging. Why? Well, if you know me, you know I love to write and talk :) I am also blessed to have a job that I absolutely love. I am a teacher. I teach children with intellectual disabilities and children on the autism spectrum. No two days are the same and I wouldn't trade it for the world! I want to share my classroom creations and things I find along the way that parents have told me work in helping their child be successful.
While teaching, I am also in graduate school. 18 years after graduating, a wonderful marriage, and 3 great kids, I am back in school to complete a goal I started a long time ago. I am going for my Master's of Science in Special Education with a concentration in Autism Spectrum Disorders - is there anything else :)
I graduated and started a career in NY working with children with Autism and I am now in the south raising my own children, happily married to my best friend, and teaching children with special needs who love to learn. So much has changed in the past 18 years when it comes to children and adults with autism that I am fortunate to be in this program to help keep up with the latest research.
I have recently started my own shops on several teacher sites to share my creations and lessons with other teachers. It is an awesome new way for teachers in this digital age to share their hard work and maybe add a few extra dollars to make up for furlough days and the never ending problem of underpaid teaching...but that is another blog for another day.
I would love for you to join me on my Facebook page for updates and new information at
If you would like to check out my lessons and newest social stories, please follow me at: ,
Well, I have been hiding on the back porch for a little while now and I hear the sound of milk being spilled and children running through the kitchen screaming, "Get it before Mom comes in!" Time to put my mom hat back on :) Thanks for visiting! Welcome!
Sometimes, I take on too many activities. Sometimes, I am the one whose hand constantly goes up to volunteer and take on the projects no one else does. But if you are teacher, mom, or parent of a child with autism, I think you would agree that we all do this at times because if we don't, who will?
Today, I am starting my newest venture.....blogging. Why? Well, if you know me, you know I love to write and talk :) I am also blessed to have a job that I absolutely love. I am a teacher. I teach children with intellectual disabilities and children on the autism spectrum. No two days are the same and I wouldn't trade it for the world! I want to share my classroom creations and things I find along the way that parents have told me work in helping their child be successful.
While teaching, I am also in graduate school. 18 years after graduating, a wonderful marriage, and 3 great kids, I am back in school to complete a goal I started a long time ago. I am going for my Master's of Science in Special Education with a concentration in Autism Spectrum Disorders - is there anything else :)
I graduated and started a career in NY working with children with Autism and I am now in the south raising my own children, happily married to my best friend, and teaching children with special needs who love to learn. So much has changed in the past 18 years when it comes to children and adults with autism that I am fortunate to be in this program to help keep up with the latest research.
I have recently started my own shops on several teacher sites to share my creations and lessons with other teachers. It is an awesome new way for teachers in this digital age to share their hard work and maybe add a few extra dollars to make up for furlough days and the never ending problem of underpaid teaching...but that is another blog for another day.
I would love for you to join me on my Facebook page for updates and new information at
If you would like to check out my lessons and newest social stories, please follow me at: ,
Well, I have been hiding on the back porch for a little while now and I hear the sound of milk being spilled and children running through the kitchen screaming, "Get it before Mom comes in!" Time to put my mom hat back on :) Thanks for visiting! Welcome!
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